New Features


A new Sensor has been added which allows you to monitor a Docker Infrastructure. This Sensor requires that a small container app (GreenLight Docker API) needs to be installed on the target host. This small App acts as a gateway for the GreenLight Sensor which means that GreenLight accesses only certain endpoints within the Docker Infrastructure. This kind of setup was mainly done due to Docker Security reasons.

If you want to know which endpoints are used by GreenLight, feel free to drop us an e-mail where you can request this information

Details for the GreenLight Docker API (how to install) can be found on our GL Webhelp:


A new Sensor has been added which allows to send GET or POST Rest Calls via GreenLight. With this type of sensor one can retrieve valuable information from IBM Connections or from ANY other web service source. The Post event provides some basic functionality to post content based on different content-types (atom, xml, json...)




Improvements  ((export or not export results to a file. default is false))<path>      ((directory for the file export. default is /tmp/greenlight))<prefix>  ((default is log_search_result_. Filename witll be log_search_result_<sensor id> ))



greenlight.http.access.sensor.text.export.flag=true/false (default false)
greenlight.http.access.sensor.filename.prefix=<prefix>  (default http_access_sensor_export_)
greenlight.http.access.sensor.export.path=<path>  (default /tmp/greenlight/)









Bug Fix