
This article should help you to configure a Windows Services Sensor and should guide you through different possibilities this sensor has.


Before you start the configuration, please make sure that you cover the following requirements:

Enable-PSRemoting –force

set-item -force WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\Basic $true

set-item -force WSMan:\localhost\Client\AllowUnencrypted $true

set-item -force WSMan:\localhost\Service\AllowUnencrypted $true


Authentication Profile

We recommend to create an authentication profile in the Communication Section which you then assign later on to a single or multiple Nodes.

This account needs to have local Admin privileges on the target host (as mentioned above)



Server Settings

Now, let' start with the configuration of Windows Services on the Node Level





Click the Load Services button in order to retrieve all Windows Services from the host

Whenever the items are loaded successfully, just drag&drop those which you want to monitor to the right side of the window





Sensor Settings

Let's create a Windows Services Sensor from the Sensor Template list.

So all services which you have marked as monitored services will be covered by the server. This allows you to use a single sensor for monitoring different hosts with different windows services





Copy/paste:   ${result.details['greenlight.osservice.stopped']}




The result is a notification like this


The Key/Value pairs you get from this Sensor is the following