panagenda is proud to announce the release of this new version of ApplicationInsights, your guide through infrastructure transformation, IBM Notes database usage, source code and design analysis.

This new version is a major release which includes a ton of new features, bug fixes and improvements big and small! The most notable ones are listed below.



Design Complexity Reinvented

Business Intelligence Enablement

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New Features / Improvements

Bug Fixes

Structural Changes / Upgrade Path

Data Warehouse Rebuild Required

This version of ApplicationInsights brings wide-ranging improvements in performance and usability. Various changes in the data warehouse structure were necessary to make that possible. After installing the update, the application will not be usable until the DWH is rebuilt. This process runs nightly, but can be triggered manually after the update.

Knowledge Base


We are proud to introduce the ApplicationInsights knowledge base! In it you will find documentation, technical articles, release notes and downloads around the solution.