FIXFixed an issue where <mc:time_shutdown_start> and <mc:duration_shutdown> were not available if MC shutdown handling was disabled.
FIXFixed an issue where files left over from a failed MC Eclipse Plugin update action could cause issues with Notes Client updates.

Improved behavior if several versions of MC are being loaded at the same time.

If several DLLs are being loaded (i.e. several entries in ExtMgr_Addins exist for different MC DLLs), all but one of them will not do anything - in as many cases as possible. Mostly this feature is about ensuring Essentials binaries never run together with Full binaries.

  • First, if both MC Essentials and Full DLLs are loaded, all Essentials DLLs will stop (Full always takes precedence).
  • Next: By default, a DLL in the data directory will have precedence over a DLL in the client directory. If there are several within the data directory, the newest one will load. However, for Full mode binaries, this only applies to MC versions 10 and above. If an older version is present, it will still load in addition to the newer one (= same behavior as before MC 10).

The new setting <ini:MC_MultiDLLPriority> can change this behavior. If set to "client_then_version", DLLs in the client directory will be preferred, and then the newest one among them. If it is set to "version", then then DLL with the latest version will always be loaded, no matter where it is. This setting does not override Essentials always deferring to Full mode binaries, however. So a newer Essentials will still disable itself if any Full binary is found.


Improved detection of ICAA clients:

  • For Notes Client version >= 10, <notes:mode_running> will now be set to "icaa" when detected. In previous versions <notes:mode_running> would remain "basic", so any conditions related to ICAA or basic clients should be checked and adjusted to this change.
  • Added <notes:icaa_version>. It is set to 1.0.x for Notes Client versions < 10, and 2.0.0 for >= 10.
  • Added <notes:is_icaa> (bool). Will be set to 1 for ICAA client.