The Catalog section of panagenda ApplicationInsights is where you can get deep dive information about a specific database instances and servers. Both in terms of usage as well as design.

In this topic:

Working with the Catalog












In this view details to all analyzed servers are displayed. Use the options described under Working with the Catalog above to get the deep dive information you need.

OLD Contents

Instances listed:

The catalog list lists all instances your license entitles you to access for analysis and allows you to easily filter, search, export and compare information for the analyzed databases. Please review the paragraph on licensing to understand how the selection of instances you see is made. As this list displays instances, it is possible that you see several instances of the same replica set. 


Displayed number of lines:

The "Show entries" option in the top left allows you to show more or less values per page.

Displayed columns:

The "Columns" option in the top right allows you to select one of the column sets. The "Default" set contains information like the location, the type of instance and the Complexity score.

The "Usage" set show information about the number of sessions and the types of access (mobile, web or Notes client) as well as some design information.

The "Scores" set shows you, among others, information about ranking and scores for complexity and insights.

The "View Characteristics" set shows information about number of views, used views and code used in views.

The "Code Languages" set shows info about used types of code in code elements.

The "Core Design Elements" set shows Number and types of design elements that contain code.

The "Insights" sets give you specific filter options to select databases with similar ruleset findings.

The "Insights <ruleset>" views give you the option to see all findings for each of the rulesets (including self-created ones) in a table list for export and analysis.

Sorting & filtering:

To find a specific instance you can sort the list on various elements. For example, on the name of the database, the server the instance is located on, or even on a type or complexity score if you are interested in finding databases of a specific type or complexity. To sort simply click on the column header. 

Alternatively, you can also filter the list on any of the columns by clicking the "funnel" icon in the top. The column headers will then become fields where you can enter the search term or value you want to filter on. 
To clear a set filter use the "stop sign" icon next to the funnel icon.


Keep in mind that if you switch between column sets after filtering the filtering is maintained. Use the icon next to the Funnel icon to clear a filter and return to the full result set.

Filter by Insights:
When opening the Filter options an additional option becomes available to filter databases by Insight. This allows you to make selections based on what type of designs you want to review or to easily export a list of databases containing a certain type of finding.
To clear the filter by insight filter simply click on the little X behind the filter selection. 

Exporting data:

The two icons next to the Funnel & Clear filter icons allow you to export the filtered data set as either a CSV or EXCEL file. All columns for the filtered databases will be exported.


Opening a database instances details:

To open the details of any instance simply click on the table row for the instance you are interested in.