Numerous views and charts help you oversee and see through your Notes client landscape from within the MarvelClient Analyze database:

ViewDescriptionUse Cases
Users\by State and Upl(oad)KeyShows all client data categorized by Audited state
(Up to date or Updated since last audit)

Audit new and changed documents

Users\by Notes-Name

Shows all client data sorted by abbreviated Notes username
(e.g., florian vogler/panagenda)

NOTE: by default a user can have more than one document,
as data is uploaded for each client release on each computer.
In other words, if a user uses multiple machines and/or mulitple
client releases, there will be a document for each machine and each release.

Also note that you can limit multiple documents per users via
[Administration\Cleanup & more] in combination with the (Cleanup) agent.

Lookup client details by Notes user
Users\by Notes-Name\HierarchicalCategorized right to left by certifier, e.g., panagenda\DevelopmentOverview of users by Certifier; also see Charts → Certifiers, Charts→ Certifiers  - 1-Level
Users\by Date last uploadedCategorized by YYYY\MM of last update

See how often users restart their clients and/or look at client data from decommissioned users.

Also see Charts → Upload Dates

NOTE: You can also automatically cleanup documents not updated within xx days via
[Administration\Cleanup & more] in combination with the (Cleanup) agent.

Users\by Startup\ShutdownCategorized by Client last started on ...\YYYY\MM /
Client last shutdown on ...\YYYY\MM

Useful to see how long users leave clients running and whether the majority shuts down Notes at the end of each day.

For Essentials customers, this view is only useful if PMC_ShutdownEnabled=1 is set in notes.ini;
simply enable the following readily configured Action in the Config database:

Users\Cloud Onboarding Status

Categorized by Cloud Onboarding status (if applicable)

Used to track Cloud Onboarding with the MarvelClient Cloud module

Also see Charts → Mailcloud Onboarding Status

Users\Cloud Onboarding Status\by OnPrem Server

Categorized by On Premises Mail server and Onboarding status (if applicable)

Used to track Cloud Onboarding status by On Premises Mail server with the MarvelClient Cloud module

Also see Charts → Mailcloud Onboarding by OnPrem Server

Users\by Mail ServerCategorized by user's mail server according to current location
from when uploading data into the Analyze database
View all users by mail server; also see Charts → Mail Servers