This component release is part of MarvelClient 10.1


ENHANCEMENTAdded logging of detected .NET framework to initial DLL deployment.
FIX / CHANGEIn case MCUpgrade.dll is used from the upgrade directory and already exists, it is now deleted before being re-deployed to make sure it is always the correct version (3.5 vs. 4).


FIX / CHANGEFixed an issue for both multi- and single user migration where a then migrated notes.ini could overwrite a previous NotesIniFileOld backup (only relevant for clients with multiple notes.ini files).
ENHANCEMENTDuring multiuser data migration, new program, data and shared data are now set with/out trailing \ as configured by notes itself (data+shared without, program with \); whilst not really relevant, it's plain clean/propper that way.