1. Access shell.azure.com and login as Azure tenant administrator (alternatively it is also possible to use Azure CLI)

  2. Clone this repository by executing:
    git clone https://github.com/panagenda/idna-applications-on-azure

  3. Export your azure tenant id by executing:
    export tenantId="{Azure Tenant ID}"

  4. Define your azure subscription id where the Azure resources should be assigned to by executing:
    export subscriptionId="{Azure Subscription ID}"

  5. Define the template URL we provided you with:
    export template="https://xxxxx.blob.core.windows.net/xxxx"

  6. Customize the prep.sh file and adjust the location placeholder (default=westeurope) according to your requirements:
    You can either use the 
    Azure Cloud Shell editor or 
    vi prep.sh

  7. Execute:
    to prepare everything for Terraform

  8. Customize the vars.tf based on your needs: (details can be found here: Customize the Azure Deployment)
    You can either use the Azure Cloud Shell editor or
    vi vars.tf

  9. Execute the following to deploy iDNA Applications:

  10. The up.sh will print the IP address of the deployed Appliance. Please create a DNS entry for this IP address.

  11. Final steps:

./config.sh "{FQDN of iDNA Applications}" "{TimeZone}" "{new root password}"

Example:./config.sh "my-ia.my-domain.com" "Europe/Berlin" "my-root-password"