With version 2.0 of iDNA Applications a wide range of new features have been implemented. First and foremost the powerful ability to analyze content metadata of entire databases. Along this new feature we have also introduced a new licensing mode for the content analysis: "Per Database Licensing" allows you to pick exactly which databases you want to scan and spend your resources on. This new ability requires a new license file though.

Get started right now with content analysis with two FREE licenses!

Please contact us directly to request your new license file.

You want to know more about content analysis?

Analyzing the content metadata of databases can provide a lot of very valuable information on how to move forward with a database. Equally interesting in modernization and migration scenarios, it surfaces key factors like content age, attachments, encryption, embedded objects and more which may all heavily impact the feasibility of your transformation path. 

Here are a few examples of what you can find:

Contact our team and get your free content analyses for two replica sets of your choice!

The licensing for content analyses is based on the Replica ID. Once a replica set is licensed, all database instances with this same Replica ID maybe scanned as often as you choose to.

Please be aware that content analysis is focused on document metadata (e.g. Form, Created, Last Modified). The field content is not scanned beyond the structural level. It is not possible to e.g. search which documents contain the text "license key".