Please contact to get the license and the latest versions of the following files for iDNA Applications:

We recommend running iDNA Applications production systems in a VMWare vSphere/ESX enterprise environment. An additional option is VMWare Workstation which is mainly targeted at temporary evaluation environments and are not supported for production use. 
Place the license file (*.lic) in a folder on your local hard drive. This file will be uploaded to the virtual appliance in a later step using the panagenda iDNA for application web interface.

Launching iDNA Applications using virtualization software:

Recommended: VMWare vSphere/ESX via OVA

Open VMWare ESX, ESXi or vSphere and select:

The Deploy OVF Template dialog will open:

  1. Source: Specify the location where you saved the iDNA Applications OVA file on your hard drive – for example: C:/Temp/panagenda_idna_applications_vmware_esx.ova

  2. OVF Template Details: In this step you can inform yourself about the iDNA Applications version you are about to deploy. When you are done, just click on Next

  3. Name and Location: Is the next relevant step for deploying iDNA Applications. We recommend to name this template "panagenda iDNA Applications"

  4. Storage: Then you have to select a destination storage for the virtual machine files.

  5. Disk Format: In this step, please select the storage format for the virtual disks. We recommend to choose "Thick Provision Eager Zeroed"

  6. Network Mapping: Then select the network the deployed iDNA Applications template should use.

  7. Ready to Complete: In the final step you are shown the options you set up. Click on Finish if you are satisfied with your setting to start the deployment task.

Alternative: Microsoft Hyper-V

Select Finish on the summary screen to start the copy

Alternative: VMWare Workstation/Player via VMX