
Starting with the new version of GreenLight (2.9.6) you can use the new Sensor called "Linux Shell Script" Sensor to perform individual checks. One of the best examples is for instance a LDAP query check.

With the following example you will see how easy it is to configure such a check. The check performs a ldap connection followed by a user query.


TIME_START=$(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))
LDAPRESULT=`ldapsearch -x -H ldap://"$1" mail="$3" | grep "# numEntries:" | awk '{print $3}'`
TIME_DONE=$(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))

if [ "$LDAPRESULT" -gt "0" ]
                echo ldap.query.successful:1
                echo ldap.query.time_ms:$(($TIME_DONE - $TIME_START))
                echo ldap.query.successful:0
                echo ldap.query.time_ms:$(($TIME_DONE - $TIME_START))


Note: If you need to authenticate to your ldap server, please adjust the following line:

#LDAPS and authentication  
LDAPRESULT=`ldapsearch -x -H ldaps://"$1" -D <user> -w <password> -s sub "$3" | grep "# numEntries:" | awk '{print $3}'`

(of course you could put username /password to the parameter fields in the UI and to set $4 and $5 in the script)


In belows example i want to query for a particular internet mail address




The Output will be the following


So you get valuable information if the object was found successfully AND how long the Query was running to get the object.

With this Information you can build for instance the following graph




The Linux Shell Script Sensor is a powerful sensor! It is one of the most flexible Sensors GreenLight offers.

Using this sensor enables you to create specific requests Of course, there are plenty of other use cases conceivable, where this Sensor can help you with. (e.g Nagios)