Release Notes - GreenLight - Version 2.7.2



  • Server Preferences: a functionality has been added that allows the automatic purging of all hosts that do not match the license criteria.

Live Monitor

  • Sortable Colums: Several columns in Health Monitor and Sensor Overview are now sortable. This is mainly intended help finding servers
    in the list, and the sorting will be discarded on list refresh. The main reason for this is to avoid unintended sorting that will counteract
    the default sort by problem severity, by simply forgetting to undo the manual sort settings.

Topology Explorer

  • Server Scan: this dialog (formerly known as Discovery) has undergone several usability improvements

BES Dashboard

  • Interaction with data lists has been improved (e.g. column sorting)
  • Configuration usability of data list content has been improved in several areas

Bug Fixes

Monitoring Configuration

  • Sensor Assignments: an issue has been fixed where sensor instances would continue to measure even after servers were removed
    from the sensor configuration.

Topology Explorer

  • Topology Display: traffic between nodes was only displayed if a caused by a direct connection. this has been reworked to show data
    regardless of the initiator (e.g. connection group, connection by cluster name)