This is a bug fix and Improvement version for the 3.5.x Stream (latest GreenLight Platform based on Docker!)
Download the new Version
You can download v3.5.1 from the following Link: Download v3.5.1
Important: Please make sure that you use a v3.5.x Platform ! (Help - About)
- Domino Mailflow Analysis Sensor
Added the capability to count the amount of cycles until the mail has/hasn't been delivered to the recipient mailbox. This cycle count can be used for alerting/action purpose
- General
- Replaced httpclient in all relevant Sensors to OKHttpClient
- Adjusted GreenLight Update process to support debz filetypes
- Adjusted WebSphere truststore path to /opt/panagenda/binaries/security/cacerts
- Minor PostgreSQL adjustments
Bug Fix
- Domino DB Access Sensor
Fixed an issue where save/close button was hidden if one has chosen the type: "All mail.boxes"
- Platform
Fixed an Issue with access permission on folder /opt/panagenda/dbbkp