This article should give some sort of idea what one can do with this new Type of Sensor. It is a practical example in which a certain area of an IBM Connections Platform can be checked via a REST API call.

We will perform a file download from a IBM Connections environment where the aim is  to check if the authentication, connection as well the download of a physical file is works.


We use the official API document of IBM to utilize the REST API of Connections


  • upload a file manually into connections. This is the file which we want to download on a regular basis
    • write down the document-id of the uploaded file

  • open the REST Service Sensor
  • Enter the protocoll as well username/password
  • Enter the following string to the Respurce path
    • /files/basic/anonymous/api/document/<your document id>/entry
  • choose GET as the method and XML as the header
  • optional you can enter inline=true as a query parameter
  • assign your connections server as a target
  • specify actions and schedule

save close





As a result you get a lot of key/value pairs back. The important key/value pair however is If you get 200, then everything is fine and works. If you get any other http error code back, please check in the IBM API Documentation the explanation