New Features
- Sametime Chat Simulation Sensor: A new End-to-End Sensor has been added which allows simulating an entire Sametime chat between two Users. This sensor measures:
- the time during login
- the retrieval time of the buddylist
- the IM transfer time
This sensor can be used for an on-prem Sametime Environment and/or for IBM Connections Cloud
- Sametime Meeting Simulation Sensor: A new End-to-End Sensor has been added which allows simulating an entire Sametime Meeting between two Users. This sensor measures:
- Login time of both Users
- Room create, join , leave and delete time
- Upload time of a document (incl. adding and conversion time)
- Sharing time of the uploaded document to the second use
- Sametime MultiSite Simulation Sensor: A new End-to-End Sensor has been added which allows simulating an entire Sametime Meeting between multiple Users across different geographical locations. This very unique sensor delivers vital information about Meeting performance for users which are sitting in a decentral location where network connectivity plays an important role of a Sametime Meeting.
- Windows Services Sensor: A new Sensor has been added which monitors Windows Services on the Operating System Level. If a monitored Service is not running, GreenLight can trigger a restart action too.
Please check out the requirements before you can use this Sensor. Requirements
- Performance Counter Sensor: A new Sensor has been added which allows you to monitor any of the available performance counters of a Windows System. One can select an entire Counter Set or individual Counters.
Please check out the requirements before you can use this Sensor Requirements
- Exchange Connectivity Sensor: A new Sensor has been added to perform individual connectivity tests against Microsoft Exchange 2010/2013. This Sensor actively tests specific Exchange functionalities using build-in Exchange cmdlets via remote PowerShell.
Please check out the requirements before you can use this Sensor Requirements
The following connectivity Tests are performed
Mapi-, ReplicationHealth-, Pop-, Imap-, Owa-, ActiveSync- and OutlookConnectivity
- Exchange Health Sensor: A new Sensor has been added to perform individual Role checks against Microsoft Exchange 2010/2013. This sensor checks based on the Role a Exchange Server has (e.g. CAS Role...) if the underlying Services are up and running.
Please check out the requirements before you can use this Sensor Requirements
- Actions: Individual Action Labels can now be assigned to any type of Action. In addition to that the Action UI was redesigned to make it more user friendly.
Live Monitor
- Health Grid: All types of Servers can now appear on the Health Grid depending if a statistical key from a sensor is mapped to the Health Grid. (e.g PerfCounter Information)
- Health Grid: One can summarize multiple statistical columns into a single one on the Health Grid Level. This allows an administrator to have as much information as possible available.
- Health Grid: A Static maintenance Window can now be stopped via Health Grid. So whenever you set a server (or multiple servers) in a static maintenance mode you can stop the maintenance on-demand without the need of opening the individual Node Settings. This Saves a lot of time.
FYI: If the Server runs a periodic maintenance then this can not be stopped via this functionality!
- Sametime: Additional Reports for Sametime Meeting and Sametime Chat are available
- Actions: All new Sametime Sensors are providing a lot of new Keys which can be used for Action conditions
- Actions: The DB Access Sensor provides new Action Conditions
Communication Profiles
- Authentication Profile: A new Profile called "Authentication Profile" has been added. This Profile is used for authentication against Windows Platforms (e.g. Used for Exchange Sensors).
- Mail Profile: The Mail Profile has now the option to sync Group members of a Domino Group into a Mail Profile. Note: Please make sure that Group members of the selected Group(s) are based on internet mail addresses!
- Node Settings: Node Settings have been redesigned in order to cover different Server types.
- Event Log: The EventLog has been redesigned. Sensor name, Action Label , Action Type, Sensor ID, etc has been added to have a much better overview about triggered actions
- Domino DB Access Sensor: Added additional pre-defined action Conditions
- Traveler User Simulation Sensor: Added Total amount of Devices as a statistical output (
- Traveler User Simulation Sensor: Added URL information to "Invalid Json object" message in the greenlight.log
- Clone Server Configuration: Improved the way and speed of cloning the Server configuration
- HTML User Simulation Sensor: This sensor was redesigned. For Form authentication additional fields are available in which one can adjust the name of username and password fields so that it matches the individual Login form. In addition to that a RegEx string can be used to parse the html website
- Maintenance Windows: A CRON definition can now be assigned as a periodic maintenance window to each of the available nodes. This gives the flexibility to set for instance a bi-weekly or monthly maintenance window for your servers.
IMPORTANT: the Cron definition has to cover a certain timeframe !
- Domino Audit: "Resource RAM" Audit is not performed any longer if the underlying host is based on Linux/Unix
- Backend Database: Improved maintenance Tasks for the back-end relational Database
- Improved performance for creating Reports: new SQL statements are in place which speeds up the Reporting create performance by about ~25%
- Improve performance for creating Charts: new SQL statements are in place which speeds up the Charting performance by about ~25%
Live Monitor
- Maintenance Windows: The button "Create maintenance window for selected server(s)..." is now hidden for "normal users"
Bug Fixes
- Blackberry Dashboard: Fixed an issue within threshold settings
- Blackberry Dashboard: Fixed an issue within action conditions
- General: Fixed an issue where an already logged in user name was not shown correctly in a login message box
- General: Fixed an issue in an Action of the Linux Shell Script Sensor where a wrong predefined condition was select-able
- General: Fixed an tooltip issue for action
- General: Fixed an Sametime Statistics retrieval issue.
- General: Fixed an Issue where a second Discovery Run removed server properties from existing servers
- Domino DB Access Sensor: Fixed an issue where greenlight.dbaccess.database.view.entry_count was not available in previous releases
- Clone Server Configuration: Fixed an issue where DB Access Sensor was disconnected from historical Dataset
- General: Fixed an issue where the OnlineUpdate was not working for v2.9.6