New Features



  •     Sametime Announcement Action.
    We have enhanced the Sametime Action Type in a way that you can choose between normal Chat Messages and Announcement Messages.


 Whenever you configure a Sametime Action in a Sensor you have now the following Options:




  •     Action Enhancement
    In an action you can now activate the option Execute this action only on every X failure occurrences.
    If a sensor is scheduled for every 5 minutes and you would set this option to 2, then you would get notified every 10 minutes. (e.g. 12 == every 60minutes)





  •     Communication Profile Labels
    You can now assign Labels to Profiles






  • Mail Profiles - Group Sync: The Sync will continue if a Group in the public NAB has an unknown GroupType OR a Group has multiple Names.
  • Login: Special characters can now be used for the Login
  • Notifications: Footer information has been added (email, GL notification and Logs) in order to see the origin information of the event (GL server, Sensor name, ...)
  • DiskUsageSensor: The internal DiskUsage Sensor (used by GL itself) has been modified and improved
  • Clone Server Configuration: Select all /Deselect all checkboxes are now available for the server selection
  • Server Settings Wizard: Select all /Deselect all checkboxes are now available for the server selection
  • Windows Service Sensor: added UI information


Bug Fixes



  •     SLA Report: Fixes an issue with Mail and DiskStatistics