This is a bug fix and improvement version and will be the LAST iteration of the 3.2.code stream of GreenLight.
If you are still using the Ubuntu based GL appliance we kindly ask you to migrate to v3.5.x which is based on CentOS
- Charting
In certain situations opening a sensor source (during the creation of a chart) took an unusual amount of time. This has been improved in a way that a visual indicator gets displayed in the right bottom corner whenever data is being retrieved and processed. Depending on the amount of data this can take several seconds/minutes, however you can continue to work with GL while this is being performed.
- General
Nginx timeout settings has been increased to 30 minutes
Bug Fix
- Reports
Fixed an issue where a change in a report was not reflected on re-opening the report.
Fixed an issue where the creation of a report in certain situations led to Runtime Errors.