In order to use a Windows Services Sensor or Performance Counter Sensor , etc... you need to make sure that the Destination Host has Remote PowerShell enabled.

The easiest (and most common way) is to enable this without enabling any SSL encryption (between GL and the Destination System).
The following PowerShell commands will enable Remote PowerShell without using Encryption


Open a PowerShell Console on the Destination Host and execute the following commands

    • Enable-PSRemoting –force
    • set-item -force WSMan:\localhost\Service\Auth\Basic $true
    • set-item -force WSMan:\localhost\Client\AllowUnencrypted $true
    • set-item -force WSMan:\localhost\Service\AllowUnencrypted $true

  • Make sure that you use an account which is member of the local Administrator group of the target host (no need to be a Domain admin!)
  • TCP Port 5985 / 5986 needs to be opened between GreenLight and target host
  • Make sure that the GreenLight host is listed as a TrustedHost on the Destination System (Exchange Onprem, ...)
    • Check the current setting:  Get-Item -Path WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts
    • Add the GLhost:  Set-Item -Path WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value <FQDN_of_GL> -Force

If you want to use Encryption, please read the following article

Using SSL for Remote PowerShell in GreenLight