This component release is part of MarvelClient 10.1


FIXFixed an issue where the file MCUpgradeEnvVars.txt was not created in directory of MCUpgrade executable, but one level up (was missing a \)
ENHANCEMENTMCUpgradeEnvVars.txt is now also deleted after calling MCUpgrade with /unzip*
NEWAdded support for missing .mcu file if run as SYSTEM, so that customers can use their own software deployment tools with MarvelClient Upgrade
ENHANCEMENTSHA256Hashing is now approx 50% faster
NEWAdded license check to MCUpgrade.exe
CHANGEThe option LicensingLabelHide is no longer supported
NEWAdded percentage info for MCUpgrade progress info emails
NEWAdded cmd line option /pbartest
NEWAdded support for MCUpgrade Free licenses
NEWAdded SHA checking for MarvelClient Free Upgrade to 10.0.1
FIXFixed a possible vulnerability for MCU_WinSysDir being read from MCUpgrade.ini - it is now always computed according to current runtime system settings from each respective account (System vs. User)
CHANGERemoved the ability from MCUpgrade.exe to start anything other than MCUpgradeMain.exe; verified via SHA hash; for the service the EV cert is checked, too
CHANGEChanged opening of the following files to ini:UpgradeDirectory: .mcu (unless specified via Keyfile), MCUpgrade.log file (unless specified via LogFile), splash screen and optional 7z.* override usage
NEWAdded 10 splash screens and corresponding validation for MCUpgrade Free
CHANGEWhen running as system, the re-run shortcut will be created for UpgradeDirectory\MCUpgrade.exe
FIXFixed an issue where failure to start MCUpgrade via the service would result in no visual feedback for user (pbar would just close)
ENHANCEMENTAdded Windows Trust pre-validation before invoking service
CHANGEIncreased wait time for service from 10 to 30 seconds
ENHANCEMENTAdded a service listener to monitor result from sending instruction to service
ENHANCEMENTAdded expanding of os environment variables for UpgradeDirectory
CHANGEWhen running as system, the re-run shortcut will be created with WorkingDir=UpgradeDirectory instead of previous currentdirectory
CHANGEChanged the previous messagebox from when another upgrade is in progress to just logging to allow running upgrade in e.g. FSAC and shutdown
ENHANCEMENTThe Whitelist has been extended to also cover NotesProgramDirectoryNew, NotesDataDirectoryNew


CHANGEThe default for NotesIniFileOldExclude has been changed to also include TemplateSetup
CHANGEThe option LicensingLabelHide is no longer supported
ENHANCEMENTAny "Installing " and "Uninstalling" substrings in InstallText* and UninstalText* are now automatically translated according to the Uninstalling= and Installing= entries in language files
FIXFixed a possible vulnerability for MCU_WinSysDir being read from MCUpgrade.ini - it is now always computed according to current runtime system settings from each respective account (System vs. User)
ENHANCEMENTAny "Extracting " substrings in UnzipText* are now automatically translated according to the Extracting= entry in language files

Added the following when using the Service:

1.) move entire upgradedirectory to servicedir\packagename, and
2.) change upgradedir accordingly; When exiting from MCUpgradeMain.exe, we move all files back and change UpgradeDirectory back again


The Whitelist has been heavily extended to now also include the following parameters:

setenvname, setenvvalue, preuninstallremoveregistrykeyname, preuninstallremoveregistrykeyvalue, preinstallremoveregistrykeyname, preinstallremoveregistrykeyvalue, KillProcess, StopService, UnzipCommand, UnzipSwitches, MultiUserSharedDataNew


ENHANCEMENTSHA256Hashing is now approx 50% faster
FIXFixed an issue where reading name=value pairs from MCUpgrade.ini could lead to different number of matches for names vs. values

The Whitelist has been heavily extended to now also include the following parameters:

setenvname, setenvvalue, preuninstallremoveregistrykeyname, preuninstallremoveregistrykeyvalue, preinstallremoveregistrykeyname, preinstallremoveregistrykeyvalue, KillProcess, StopService, UnzipCommand, UnzipSwitches, MultiUserSharedDataNew

ENHANCEMENTAdded auto-detection of whether and which .NET framework is installed; from now on, the KeyfileEditor requires .NET >= 3.5, even though it is only needed for whitelisting
ENHANCEMENTAdded DLLs to support both .NET 3.5 (as before) and .NET 4.x
FIXFixed an issue where SHA hashes were not calculated due to lack of resolving environment variables
FIXFixed an issue where saving the whitelist could run into an illegal function call error
ENHANCEMENTMCKeyfileEditor can now also be launched by passing an ini file as cmd parameter