Config db ntf: 20080722103000
Analyze db ntf: 20080722103000
Windows Version: :: MAC OS X Version: :: Linux Version: 
Eclipse Plugin:

Major Improvements: New variable replica management, Latency scanning, Simulate option for Mass Changes, Added Performance Analysis, new IP-Addresses view

Configuration Database

FIXChanged computed base priority for backup and roaming actions (please resave documents)
FIXFixed various fields in the configuration database to now also support reference (e.g. <notes:um_server> and similar)
FIXAdded force flag for rollback (disables date/timestamp comparison as used for roaming)
ENHANCEMENTAdded option to create local replicas based on variables - valid values for variables are:
not set Entire action is skipped!
0 (Null) Do not create a local Replica
stub Create stub only
full Create a full replica if missing
always Replicate replica at every client startup
remove Remove local replica ("brute force")
removereqpushrepl Remove requires (last successful) Push Replication ensured by MarvelClient/ClientAdmin
ENHANCEMENTAdded freely configurable latency scan task
ENHANCEMENTExtended notes.ini management action to also support setting of variables in the MC and User space
- Action Label is now "A5. Notes.ini & Variables"
Note: MC and Userspace variables must be set permanently (not just onetime) as they are NOT stored locally
ENHANCEMENTFor specific databases, desktop icon documents now import the database icon (automatically) and include appropriate CDATA in XML
ENHANCEMENTAdded "simulate"-option to MassChanges (not for realtime actions)
ENHANCEMENTAdded option for online update to use system settings instead of direct connection or proxy connection
ENHANCEMENTChanged valid priority range for programs from formerly 2,000,000,000 - 3,999,999,999 to 1 - 4,200,000,000
(allows to e.g. also run programs before and after roaming/rollback)

Analyze Database

FIXFixed a problem with analyze profiles that contained special characters in converted upload key (these could formerly not be audited)
CHANGEChange sorting of collected Add-On documents to "categorized by converted upload key"
CHANGEChanged display of date/time last updated to localtime (formerly UTC) for newly uploaded/updated profiles
ENHANCEMENTThe Analyze database now also memorizes which view was last opened and restores the view when reopended again
(the last used view setting for both the configuration and analyze database is stored in notes.ini)
ENHANCEMENTAdded performance analysis view to analyze db
- this allows to monitor duration of synchronisation (init, before login and after login), as well as latency scan results
ENHANCEMENTAdded view "by IP-Address(es)"

.DLL Updates (Windows)

FIXFixed a problem with "any of"-rules - these were formerly added to the list of "all of"-rules; now added properly to "any of" list
FIXAdded force flag for rollback (disables date/timestamp comparison as used for roaming)
FIXFixed notes.ini roaming (did not work prior to revision 195)
FIXFixed a problem with roaming where the client would display the "switch to ID" dialog during client startup
FIXFixed a timestamp issue during roaming, where the last backupdate was set to a wrong date/time during roaming
FIXFixed a problem in MassChanges with Directory-fullmatches which included subdirectories - these were not interpreted properly
FIXFixed a problem with actions that would create more than 32 workspace(desktop) pages
NEWNewly uploaded profile documents into analyze database are now also timestamped in localtime (in addition to UTC) for views
ENHANCEMENTExtended supported runtypes for backup (after login - before sync, after login - after sync, and shutdown)
ENHANCEMENTExtended supported runtypes for rollback/roaming (before login, after login - before sync, after login - after sync)
ENHANCEMENTNewly created desktop icons now support database icon in XML (see configuration database release notes above)
ENHANCEMENTMasschanges can now be simulated (see configuration database release notes above)
ENHANCEMENTAdded two additonal, optional notes.ini variables: MC_DB_NotResolvable and MC_DB_Unavailable
--> if the configuration database server is configured as %notes_homeserver% and a homeserver is not configured in the users
current location, the download procedure will fallback to the server and database specified through this notes.ini parameter
--> if the configuration database server is not available, the download procedure will fallback to the specfied server and database
ENHANCEMENTAdded IP-Address(es) to config.xml

.dylib Updates (Mac OS X)

not availablenot available

.so Updates (Linux)

not availablenot available