New in General:

  • Upgrade of the dashboarding platform to Grafana 9.x
  • Introduction of a new experience scoring system to qualify SaaS service performance. Service scoring is  now based on a score of 0-100 where points are deducted from 100 based on deviation from the normal for that customer. Service scoring is based on a score of 0-100 where points are deducted from 100 based on deviation from the expected normal. The calculation is customer and user specific. For more specifics see: Real User Experience Score

New in Portal:

Introduction of the new OfficeExpert Portal. A central interface that will service all elements of the application going forward and simplifies finding the right information quickly and efficiently.

Pages released in the new portal:

  1. User Search: page with easy to use User search
  2. Agent Support: page to see EPM agent rollout details
  3. Microsoft Health: Indication of the Microsoft reported health of the various M365 services used by the client with click throughs to an overview of open issues in case an incident or alert is reported by Microsoft.
  4. Environment Health: A weighted score for the monitored services to indicate how the service is performing for the organization in relation to the historical expected normal for the organization and based on real time information as taken from the end users. This page will allow organizations to get insight into the actual situation for their organization in relation to the monitored Microsoft M365 services as well as the top used ISP's, well before Microsoft reports their status (as depicted on the Microsoft Health page). This page also shows the number of active agents in relation the number expected for that time of day/day of week, which can be an indicator of problems as well.



  • Wifi Quality during calls (Preview folder): A new preview report was added showing the most used Wifi networks and their quality during a call for a user. This will allow users to see which of their Wifi networks gives them the best call quality.
  • Corporate Network Call Quality (Reports folder): The corporate network Call Quality dashboard gives insight into the call quality in relation to the network and ISP used. Organizations can provide subnet information to extend the information with their network specific insights. For instructions on how to provide this information, see:
  • Enterprise Voice Dashboards & Direct Routing optimization reports were added to allow organizations insights into who of their users were using Enterprise Voice licenses and how as well as give insights into optimization opportunities

Additional Updates & fixes: