The panagenda MarvelClient databases can be updated in two different ways:

Automated Online Update

A. In the MarvelClient navigator go to Administration\Online Update, which requires the ACL role [AOnlineUpdate]. 

B. Fill out the Online Update Page:

  1. Select whether you want to "Update MarvelClient Essentials" or "Enter a license key"
  2. If you chose "Enter a license key" under 1., please enter your 32 character license key
  3. As Update-Type, select "Update this database"
  4. Adjust the update directory if desired, or leave the default which is %DATA%\panagenda_update. 
    The update directory is usually only important if you prepare updates for different Configuration databases
  5. Please read and accept the license agreement (
  6. The standard protocol version is HTTPS 1.0; in rare cases you may have to use HTTPS 1.1,
    or even just HTTP 1.1 or 1.0. An Online Update of type Java is required for customers in Asia. 
    All other customers can select between LotusScript (=recommended) or Java based Online Update. 
    A Java based Online Update is usually faster, whereas a LotusScript based Online Update allows to 
    establish the update connection based on system settings
    Choose Direct connection, proxy connection or connection according to system settings 
    (LotusScript based Online Update only). When selecting a Proxy connection, please make sure that you 
    enter the Proxy server including the port number, such as “”
  7. The update process can also use the Notes ID currently in use to automatically sign design elements 
    after a design update, which is recommended only if an administrator or signing ID is used to perform 
    the online update. For existing installations, the Online Update can not only download new templates 
    but also update the design of your existing databases automatically.
  8. Specify the path to one or multiple Analyze database(s)- Examples:
  9. To run the Online Update click the "Check for Update" button

  10. Alternatively you can click the "Only check for Updates" button in case you just want to check the availability of updates (and run it later).

Note that during an Online Update, %notes_homeserver% is automatically replaced with the current mail server of the user running the update, <onlineupdate:currentserver> is automatically replaced with the server of the Config database in which the Online Update is carried out from.

The path of the Analyze database is needed to check whether the design of it is up to date. If you have multiple Analyze databases that do NOT replicate, please specify multiple URIs. If your Analyze databases do replicate, then you should only specify ONE master replica.

C. If you did not select for the Config database to be signed in step 7 above, then open your Admin client, navigate to the location of your MarvelClient databases, right-click on the MarvelClient Config and Analyze database and select “Sign”. Then select your desired signing ID and sign all design documents. Ideal signing IDs have the right to run agents on the server and have access to both the MarvelClient Config and Analyze database.

NOTE that for MarvelClient Essentials the default filenames are different from above screenshot: panagenda\pmc_config.nsf and panagenda\pmc_analyze.nsf.

D. For existing MarvelClient installations (NOT for MarvelClient Essentials), after each Online Update, check the "License Update" view to ensure that the latest license is enabled.
Online Update does enable new (if checksum is different) licenses automatically - except for when running your very first Online Update without any license document at all yet.

E. For existing MarvelClient installations, please also check the "DLL Updates" view as a newer binary for e.g., Windows or Mac 64 Bit may have been dowloaded, in which case the new documents are DISabled by default. Enable them once you are ready to use the new DLL and be aware that all users will automatically update their binary as they restart HCL Notes. You may want to restrict new binaries on the Who tab for testing purposes first.

Also, don't forget to check the option "Always detach binary/"DLL" to Notes data directory" to ensure that updates also work for users for whom the binary has initially been deployed to the Notes program directory (as is the case for MarvelClient Essentials, too).

Note that a binary update requires TWO client restarts: At the next client start, the old binary loads and downloads the new binary. Upon the next client (re)start, the new binary is loaded.

Manual Update

A. To manually update the MarvelClient Config and Analyze databases, download all files from and follow instructions as shown on the resulting page.
For MarvelClient Essentials, use the following URL:

Note: There is no need to download the license file for existing installations - unless your license changed since the last Online Update. 

B. Once all files are stored in the directory on your workstation, which is set as "Update directory" (see step B4 above), run the Online Update while set to "Install prepared update" (see step B3 above).

Note: If you select "Install prepared update" (see step B3 above) for a manual Update, B6 (connection settings) is not relevant - the rest of the process is the same as described above.