The (Un)Install specifes the exact install instructions according to the installers selected on the Distribution tab.

Uninstall (only visible for upgrades of type Full Client):
Choose whether you want to Uninstall using NICE -rp -wipe -qn     or     Do not uninstall


We strongly recommend to always uninstall your previous client (whilst preserving the data directory). This noticeably reduces error rates during upgrades!

Full Client Installation:

Either add your very own install instructions or fill them in automatically using the corresponding "Fill below fields ..." buttons (recommended).

The installation instructions created by the Upgrade Wizard depend on which file you selected on the Distribution tab. For example, Standard clients and Admin/Designer clients require different instructions.

After filling in the fields, you can further customize the instructions if needed.

Fixpack / Hotfix / Language Pack(s) / other Installation:

Either add your very own install instructions or fill them in automatically using the corresponding "Fill below fields ..." buttons (recommended).

The installation instructions created by the Upgrade Wizard depend on which file(s) you selected on the Distribution tab. For example, Standard clients and Admin/Designer clients require different instructions.

After filling in the fields, you can further customize the instructions if needed.

Additional instructions (BEFORE or after other instructions on the (Un)Install tab):

Sometimes you may want to insert additional (un)install instructions into an upgrade, before uninstalling, before installing the full client, or before or after installing addons.

This is what the opional checkboxes and then displayed fields are for.