This option is new since MarvelClient Release 4.

For more complex configurations, MarvelClient allows you to also use references within references.

A typical sub reference looks like this:

Note that this is a "main reference" with a sub reference, which again has a sub reference.

The above example will return the total size of all files in the directory that is a result of resolving the variable "some_directory" within the user namespace. Should that variable not be set, the reference falls back to returning the total size of all files in the IBM Notes Data directory.

Since the characters <, >, :, !, |, = are reserved for "main references"; the equivalents for subreferences are as follows:


Special character equivalents for sub references
{}Same as <> in main references
# (hash)Same as : (colon) in main references
Used for Run if not executed yet, Re-Use result if already executed.
& (and)Same as ! (exclamation mark) in main references
Used for Run Always.
% (percent)Same as | (pipe) in main references
Used for Never run, re-use only.
~(tilde)Same as = (equals) in main references
Used for default value.