HCL Nomad Web 1.0.12 was released on 18. June 2024. This Release brings significant enhancements, including a new Designer Preview for testing design responsiveness and updated authentication options with Domino HTTP as an OIDC Provider. Additionally, the release features a revamped workspace layout, extended drag-and-drop support, and various modernization updates to streamline user experience and design processes.
HCL Nomad Web 1.0.12
- Nomad Designer Preview When a frameset, page, form, view or folder is selected, Design > Preview opens the element in the main Nomad window with a new header that allows the element to be viewed in desktop, phone or tablet sizes and with varying orientations. This allows a designer to test the responsiveness of their design without launching on a real device.
- Log in using Domino HTTP as an OIDC Provider If Domino HTTP is configured to use an OIDC Provider for authentication, that mechanism can be used with Nomad for authentication too. Note: This does not apply to the Notes ID operations, so the user must still provide their Notes ID password to connect to the Domino server.
- New Workspace âThe Workspace layout is updated to a more recent version (already utilized by the Notes client for multiple releases). This includes a new tile layout, updated fonts, updated database icons, folders on the left, and customizable backgrounds.
- Drag and Dropâ Drag and drop support for dragging mails between folders is extended to add addresses on the Select Addresses dialog, files into a rich text field, selected text within a rich text field, and folders in the Inbox view. Drag and drop support remains limited to the Chrome or Edge browsers.
- Additional Fontsâ When using a Chrome or Edge browser, the user may give permission for Nomad to access operating system fonts which will then be used for font rendering purposes as long as the font supports regular, bold, italic, and bold+italic.
- Log in as different user If Nomad Shared Login is disabled, users now have an additional option to Log in as different user on the Notes ID Password dialog that is shown on each startup if NSL is disabled.
- Domino Restyle updates:
- When restyling selected design elements in an application, Subforms are now a separate option.
- The restyle dialog now displays the name and date/time of the most recent restyle (if any).
- Keeping applications restyled:
- When editing an application that has been restyled, adding new forms, table style views, or framesets create them with restyled properties.
- When adding buttons, sections, or tables to a form (or page or subform) to a restyled application, they are added as if they are already restyled.
- General Modernization updates:
- The default icon is now the current Notes icon, when creating a new, blank database.
- A new option Create Custom is now available when creating a new application. It creates a new database with a standard frameset and outline as well as a default view. The user can set the theme for the application and design their own icon. As this new application is considered restyled, new elements added to the application apply restyle styling in most instances.
(The information provided was sourced directly from the HCL Nomad Web documentation.)
More reasons to upgrade to Nomad Web 1.0.12
The latest HCL Nomad Web update includes 15 bug fixes, offering a compelling reason to upgrade. For those seeking more information, a detailed list of these fixes and a relevant Knowledge Base article are available for review.
Issue Identifiers | Defect Article | Details |
NWASM-1583 | KB0113440 | The @Prompt (without the [NoSort] option) is not sorting the options alphabetically |
NWASM-5981 | KB0107575 | A Prototype Pollution vulnerability in protobuf.js affects HCL Nomad server on Domino (CVE-2023-36665). Note: This CVE was originally addressed in version 1.0.9. However, the CVE was later updated which necessitated an additional fix in 1.0.12. |
NWASM-6364 | KB0113527 | Disabled Nomad Shared Login: Users need a button to be able to clear the user data and log in as a new users when prompted with the Notes ID Password dialog |
NWASM-6770 | KB0111633 | Nomad resetting user data in Nomad Federated Login environment with Nomad Shared Login disabled |
NWASM-6889 | Security Bulletin Forthcoming | A cache containing sensitive information vulnerability affects HCL Nomad server on Domino |
NWASM-6958 | KB0112161 | Design elements not rendered properly while printing wider forms |
NWASM-6959 | KB0112168 | Combo box overlapping horizontal scroll bar and status bar |
NWASM-6987 | Security Bulletin Forthcoming | A denial of service vulnerability affects HCL Nomad server on Domino (CVE-2024-23588) |
NWASM-7024 | KB0111927 | Open Application shows @address->servername instead of just servername for users without Domino mai |
NWASM-7089 | KB0112402 | Crash caused by LotusScript USELSX statement |
NWASM-7118 | KB0112451 | First open of read-only combo box does not allow type to select |
NWASM-7137 | KB0112828 | Nomad Designer does not show a grid for the Layout region |
NWASM-7165 | KB0113029 | Don’t show the password change dialog when NSL is enabled |
NWASM-7220 | KB0113655 | Missing “Replace Design” menu item |
NWASM-7224 | Security Bulletin Forthcoming | Multiple Open Source vulnerabilities affect HCL Nomad server on Domino (CVE-2024-28176 and CVE-2024-29041) |
Please find the complete documentation and release notes at the following links:
HCL Nomad for web browsers 1.0.x User Documentation (hcltechsw.com)
Release Notes for HCL Nomad for web browsers
And maybe two reasons to wait with the upgrade to Nomad Web 1.0.12
After installing Nomad Web, I discovered that documents and tiles can no longer be moved via drag and drop on the workspace. HCL confirmed that this issue is due to a problem with Chromium-based browsers. They are working on that and want to publish a hotfix shortly.
Another issue was found if a user tries to log in as a different user. In this case HCL Nomad hangs.
How to get the latest version?
For downloading HCL Nomad Web 1.0.12, you can use the following direct link: NOMAD
All other HCL packages are available on the official download portal: https://my.hcltechsw.com/
HCL Nomad Web 1.0.12 addresses numerous issues and security vulnerabilities, including a Prototype Pollution vulnerability and a Denial of Service vulnerability affecting the Nomad server on Domino. The update introduces enhancements such as a Nomad Designer Preview for testing design responsiveness, support for logging in using Domino HTTP as an OIDC Provider, and an updated workspace layout with new tile arrangements, fonts, and customizable backgrounds. Additional features include extended drag-and-drop support in Chrome and Edge browsers, new options for logging in as different users, and various Domino Restyle and general modernization updates to improve the overall user experience.
Perhaps this extended drag and drop function has led to a general problem with drag and drop in Chromium-based browsers. This should be solved promptly in the upcoming hotfix IF1.
Despite the two unpleasant bugs, I would like to recommend the Version 1.0.12. However, you might want to wait a few more days until a corrected version is available.
One more thing
Basically, I would recommend that customers deal with Nomad and Nomad Web. Just like 64-bit Notes clients, Nomad is the strategic path from HCL’s point of view. For most of the millions of applications out there, the changeover is probably not a problem. For some, however, it could be a challenge to run on Nomad. To answer exactly this question, my colleague Franz Walder has written a blog post that I would like to refer to here.
UPDATE 2024-07-16 Nomad Web 1.0.12 IF1
Since July 15, 2024, the Hotfix Nomad Web 1.0.12 IF 1 has been available.
1.0.12 IF1 (Interim Fix 1)
Now there’s no reason to wait! Download, replace, start, be happy!