Let’s Connect Nordics – Stockholm 2024


October 24, 2024 | 8:30 am – October 24, 2024 | 7:00 pm

EMEA | Sweden
Bygget Conference Center, Norrlandsgatan 11, 111 43 Stockholm


October 24, 2024 | 8:30 am – October 24, 2024 | 7:00 pm

EMEA | Sweden
Bygget Conference Center, Norrlandsgatan 11, 111 43 Stockholm

Featured Image - Let’s Connect Nordics – Stockholm 2024

About this Event

We are a group of enthusiasts from the Nordics that want to revive the Nordic User group (former NCUG).
Our conferences are events filled with keynote sessions, quality speakers, captivating breakout sessions, many HCL Ambassadors, a Social Evening with extra specials where socializing is the focus, speed sponsoring and of course lots of networking!
We have a strong focus on Collaboration technologies as well as on the implementation and adoption processes. The events are aimed at both existing and prospective customers and partners, and at individuals with both business and technical perspectives.

Who to expect on-stage

Our sessions


10:45 am – 11:15 am

All things Notes, NomadWeb and Nomad (mobile)
Christoph Adler

In this session Christoph shows how you get the latest Notes versions deployed inside your existing client infrastructure, seamless, with the best possible user experience and without any annoying errors and interruptions.

For those who (plan to) use HCL NomadWeb either additional to the existing Notes clients or as a replacement of Notes, you will learn how easy you can transfer the Notes workspace to Nomad, automatically, in a single step, without any user-interaction and free of charge. In a second step you can ensure, that all Nomad Data will be saved on the Domino server to make sure that the Nomad configuration will automatically follow the user, no matter if the user cleaned the browsers cache, works in a new browser or on a new computer.

Last but not least you will see how easy you can manage all three client types “Notes, NomadWeb and Nomad (mobile)” from a central perspective without having the need to touch the users’ clients manually. This will increase the quality of the platform and reduce tickets and (user) complaints dramatically.

If you don’t like many slides but a lot of demos, you shouldn’t miss this session.