Notes/Nomad Client Management & Upgrades

Maximize your value of your MarvelClient installation

Introduce, revisit, optimize your MarvelClient installation with the help of panagenda’s experienced consultants.

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Centralized Client Management

Effortlessly manage Notes/Nomad clients across diverse environments from a single, central platform.

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Seamless Upgrade Process

Streamline Notes Client upgrades with tailored deployment packages and zero user disruption.

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Optimize for Performance

Boost client performance and resilience with panagenda’s customized consultancy and optimization services.

Our Services at a Glance

Client Management

… centrally manage your clients with ease

Whether you restandardize your clients, make them more resilient, self-healing or just introduce central management functionality. Analyze and clean up your existing environment. Automate Eclipse plugin deployments. All that based on conditions and /or usergroups and/or devicetypes. panagenda’s consultants have helped in a big set of customer infrastructures from medium size to really big. Ask us, we will help you!

Client Management

Client Management

… centrally manage your clients with ease

Whether you restandardize your clients, make them more resilient, self-healing or just introduce central management functionality. Analyze and clean up your existing environment. Automate Eclipse plugin deployments. All that based on conditions and /or usergroups and/or devicetypes. panagenda’s consultants have helped in a big set of customer infrastructures from medium size to really big. Ask us, we will help you!

Client Management
Client upgrades

Client upgrades

… define, steer, control your client upgrades from a central place

As a long time Notes/Domino shop you will know about the complexity of Notes Client upgrades. panagenda’s consultants will help you defining deployment packages which contain everything to deinstall the old clients, restandardize and install the new clients. In all varieties of single user to multi user and/or 32 bit to 64 bit and/or non-roaming to roaming (MC roaming). Migrating all personal settings of users, introducing new settings (coming with the new version) all in one single easy step. Even with steering/monitoring of the software deployment and installation process. Ask us, we will help you!​

Client upgrades

… define, steer, control your client upgrades from a central place

As a long time Notes/Domino shop you will know about the complexity of Notes Client upgrades. panagenda’s consultants will help you defining deployment packages which contain everything to deinstall the old clients, restandardize and install the new clients. In all varieties of single user to multi user and/or 32 bit to 64 bit and/or non-roaming to roaming (MC roaming). Migrating all personal settings of users, introducing new settings (coming with the new version) all in one single easy step. Even with steering/monitoring of the software deployment and installation process. Ask us, we will help you!​

Client upgrades

How Our Customers Are Benefiting


Simplified Notes client management, reduced manual work, and improved efficiency


Simplified Notes client management, reduced manual work, and improved efficiency

What Customers Say

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