On December 13, 2023, almost exactly a week after the introduction of Domino 14, Nomad Web 1.0.10 was released. Progress continues in big strides! As with previous versions, the new release includes corrections and bug fixes. Additionally, the product regularly receives new features and enhancements, continuing a tradition of ongoing improvement. The same is true here! One can look forward to an integrated designer, enhancements for HTTP configuration, new languages, and Domino Restyle updates.
New HCL Nomad Web 1.0.10
Nomad Designer
Starting with the most extensive new feature, Nomad 1.0.10 now includes a “Designer” (development tool) within the product. This means you can now create or edit your applications directly from the browser.

With a click in the context menu, you gain access to the new function. It’s important to know that you need at least developer rights on the database for this option to be displayed.

The Designer App opens in a new browser window and can be used immediately. Due to technology constraints, there are some limitations, but this should not deter anyone from taking a look.
Important to know!
The Nomad Designer in Nomad Web 1.0.10 is initially only available in English. This might sound trivial, but it can cause confusion because the Designer is only displayed in the context menu if the browser is also set to English.

In the screenshot, you see the HCL Nomad Client with the identical user in both instances. However, one browser is configured in German while the other is set to English.
Designer and MarvelClient
For all the administrators out there who are wondering how to ensure that their users don’t accidentally or intentionally open the Designer for a database, just because they might technically have the permission to do so.

With MarvelClient, you can of course configure whether a certain user group should be allowed to use the Designer or not.
More new features
Sending Email Offline
Users can now send emails offline via a local mailbox. More information is available in the “Offline Mode” section.
The Nomad server on Domino now allows HTTP in addition to HTTPS. You can read about the Details here.
Optional HTTP-Headers
The server now offers the option to include optional HTTP headers.
Let’s Encrypt-Flows
Now supports Let’s Encrypt for certificate management. You can read more about how this works here.
Language Support
Expanded to include Catalan, Czech, Hungarian, Slovenian, and Thai.
Domino Restyle-Updates
Restyle provides enhanced customization options for theme colors and design components. Users can now adjust various properties like colors, borders, and more to create diverse designs, including colorful or minimalistic action bars. The flexibility extends from rewriting entire themes to tweaking individual properties. Additionally, Restyle introduces a feature allowing users to make copies of applications for restyling, eliminating the need to modify the original application directly. The update also includes the ability to change action icons and selection markers for a more personalized interface. These updates are accompanied by performance improvements, enhancing the overall user experience with Restyle.
A complete list of new features in Nomad Web can be found in the documentation under “What´s new in HCL Nomad…“.
16 Fixes in HCL Nomad Web 1.0.10
The latest version of HCL Nomad Web includes 16 bug fixes, which alone is a compelling reason for an update to this version. For those interested in the details, there is a detailed list of documented corrections and the corresponding Knowledge Base article.
Issue Identifiers | Defect Article | Details |
NWASM-3466 | KB0109105 | Construct file paths using xx instead of OSDirectoryScan for improved performance |
NWASM-5029 | KB0106753 | Scrolling in a view skips over nested rows |
NWASM-5862 | KB0109106 | notes.ini has /’s on the ends of directories while Notes does not |
NWASM-5932 | KB0107788 | File -> Export overwriting an existing file fails |
NWASM-5935 | KB0107742 | Scrolling on categorised views not working as per HCL Notes client |
NWASM-5957 | KB0109128 | “ResizeObserver loop completed with undelivered notifications” error on Notes ID password screen with LastPass browser plugin |
NWASM-5988 | KB0107786 | Browser suggests to save the Notes ID password in both username and password fields for non-English browsers |
NWASM-6112 | KB0108147 | ListBox fields not displaying properly |
NWASM-6170 | KB0109107 | Embedded views not scrolling with the “Disable scrollbars” property turned off |
NWASM-6175 | KB0108185 | LotusScript: NotesStream.Open() does not handle “vfs:” file names |
NWASM-6193 | KB0108818 | Character size too large for date fields in Nomad for web browsers |
NWASM-6206 | KB0108381 | Support local storage using ExtractFile method for EmbedObject |
NWASM-6220 | KB0108521 | Combobox style differences between Nomad and Notes |
NWASM-6247 | KB0108675 | Combobox remembers and selects previous item after delete and add |
NWASM-6379 | KB0108819 | Focus is not properly set upon returning from a nested dialog |
NWASM-6395 | KB0109016 | View jumps back to top when scrolling up by mouse wheel or scroll gesture |
You can find the complete documentation and release notes at the following links:
How to get the latest version?
Since the release of Domino 14, the new download portal has moved out of beta and is now the official source for all HCL software resources. You can access it at:
For downloading HCL Nomad Web 1.0.10, you can use the following direct link: NOMAD

As you can see, packages for “HCL SafeLinx” and Domino are available in versions 12.0.2 and 14. Integration is simple and can be done quickly.
Apart from the language-dependent display of the Nomad Designer, we have once again received a good and recommendable release with HCL Nomad Web 1.0.10. For those who want to delve a bit more into the topic of HCL Nomad Web, I would like to point out the recording of one of our webinars.
The Ultimate Guide for HCL Nomad Web Administrators
This webinar is available to you in both English and German:
If you have any further questions about HCL