Notes Client Upgrades – The good, the bad and the ugly
You already saw how MarvelClient Upgrade makes Notes client upgrades easy in our last webinar.
The reality is often more complicated than a standard case though. Every company and every department has its own special challenges. Let’s dive deeper together and look at actual customer situations and how they were solved.
In this webinar you will learn how a variety of MarvelClient Upgrade customers approached their unique challenges:
• Options for rights elevation
• Deal with software such as virus scanners or software deployment systems
• Customization options in areas like notes.ini, config.txt, dictionaries
• Interface with other solutions
• How to utilize MarvelClient Upgrade for organizations with 100 or 100,000 users
• Perform initial client deployments fast and easy
You will leave with an arsenal of proven tools and battle-tested tricks to make any Notes client upgrade run smoothly and with minimum effort, no matter the circumstance.
Finally benefit from running the latest versions of Notes by registering for Christoph Adler’s HCL Master’s Class today!