7 New Ways to Master Your Domino Application Migration Challenges
Way #1 Safely navigating your Domino projects with confidence
Is your organization currently considering the future of Notes/Domino? If so, this webinar is for you. Whether your journey ahead is migration, modernization or consolidation, you’ll have fundamental questions that must have answers. Which applications can you archive? Is it more efficient for you to modernize or replace? Can you reduce license cost as part of the project? Join the first installment of our webinar and blog post series – 7 New Ways to Master Your Domino Application Migration Challenges. You’ll learn to detect and avoid the rocks that have wrecked so many others. Let product manager, Franz Walder, guide you safely through the challenges you will face during your migration and modernization projects. You’ll leave being able to make the right decisions that will calm the waters and ensure you deliver your project on time.
Rather read than listen to Franz Walder’s soothing voice? Access the full article here.
Speaker: Franz Walder
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Way #2 Use the big picture of your code to know where to go
Imagine you’ve just been handed the biggest, most complex application modernization or migration project of your career. You’re looking at processing thousands of databases that have accumulated in your environment over the years. Some will be known to your developers, many will not. However, it’s important to know how to move forward with every single one of them. Join Franz Walder for this webinar and learn how easy it is to acquire knowledge about topics like “lost template inheritance”, “platform dependencies” and “code duplication”. Armed with this information you will be able to make the right decisions on the future of your applications, reduce development effort and project risk.
Rather read than listen to Franz Walder’s soothing voice? Access the full article here.
Speaker: Franz Walder
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Way#3 The most successful projects start with a consolidation
No matter if you are modernizing or migrating your Notes/Domino environment, the most successful projects always start with consolidating what you have. We’re not talking about a major restructuring of your environment, yet. First, there’s low hanging fruit to be had. Starting with simple things like finding servers that are under-utilized or groups of users who aren’t active in the Domino environment anymore. Those alone yield surprisingly powerful results! Join Franz Walder for this webinar and learn how to find and remove the deadwood in your environment. Trimming away the excess helps prioritize what remains for upcoming iterations. Ensure your projects are conducted as cost-efficiently as possible by identifying opportunities with great cost/benefit potential.
Rather read than listen to Franz Walder’s soothing voice? Access the full article here.
Speaker: Franz Walder
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Way#4 Seeking application owners? Find its stakeholders first!
Are you responsible for deciding the future of your Notes/Domino applications? A daunting task at the best of times! It’s relatively easy to make decisions for applications or databases that are based on standard templates. The tough work begins when you’re dealing with applications only the business units know well. Where do you find the information you need to make good decisions? Join Franz Walder for this webinar and learn how easy it can be to identify your application stakeholders. They are the people who benefit most from a particular application. They’re the ones who will feel the pain if you get it wrong. That’s why they are key to the future of their applications. Among them you will find your application owner and who better to assess risk and business impact?
Rather read than listen to Franz Walder’s soothing voice? Access the full article here.
Speaker: Franz Walder
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Way#5 Don’t end up in a ditch because you weren’t aware of roadblocks in your source code
It’s dangerous to underestimate the impact of database design on the future of your Notes/Domino applications. It doesn’t matter if you are modernizing or migrating. Each path has to deal with its own challenges around platform dependencies or incompatibility in the source code. Having the code base at your fingertips is key to mastering these challenges before they turn into issues. Join Franz Walder for this webinar and learn how to identify the potential roadblocks. You will leave being able to apply these findings to your own project. They will help you avoid the complications so many others have run into. Project managers and developers alike will benefit from increased efficiency while reducing risk at the same time.
Rather read than listen to Franz Walder’s soothing voice? Access the full article here.
Speaker: Franz Walder
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Way#6 Don’t be afraid to share your success
Progress reports. They’re a part of every project and they’re not fun to produce. It’s not just your progress you have to share. You must also supply the project teams with the data they need to do their job. It’s tough to coordinate and it never ends. But progress reports can be your friend when you’re reporting success! Join Franz Walder for this webinar and make the knowledge you’ve gained through our series shine. Learn how easy it can be to share your success. See how management dashboards can remove the need for manual report creation. Let Analytics API’s empower your teams with self-service access to the data they need. Get back to the work you really need to focus on.
Rather read than listen to Franz Walder’s soothing voice? Access the full article here.
Speaker: Franz Walder
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Way#7 Using facts to keep it real. Know before you go
Migration and modernization projects are hugely expensive and very high-profile. From the very start, a lot of eyes will be on you. Expectations will be high. How can you keep your project from failing? Sometimes you can’t. Some projects are doomed before they even start. You should know before you go. Join Franz Walder for this webinar to learn foundational facts you can use to establish project feasibility at the earliest possible stage. Don’t commit to the impossible. Use cold, hard data to question unrealistic goals. So, when you do go, you go down the path of success.
Rather read than listen to Franz Walder’s soothing voice? Access the full article here.
Speaker: Franz Walder
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What you will learn
- Project Forecasting
How new advanced analytics can help you remove barriers to your digital modernization projects, master project forecasting, prioritize resources, reduce decision risk, and achieve your modernization goals faster. - Project Scope Optimization
How you can drastically reduce the project scope by identifying what is important and what isn’t. Understanding for how usage and code analysis will completely change your view on the tasks ahead. - Workload Reduction
How to efficiently identify common source code pitfalls. See how applying code duplication findings can reduce work load significantly. - Task Prioritization
How the most accurate scoping insights will help you to prioritize tasks and allocate resources perfectly to deliver your complex IT transformation projects on time and on budget.