Mastering the Art of Persuasion through Stories

IntraTeam is a conference that gathers Digital Workplace practitioners and enthusiasts with a passion for Intranets. Each is known to be extremely willing to share with you what they have been working on, making the event an incredible immersive learning experience that will not leave you indifferent.

The main theme from the IntraTeam Copenhagen 2020 was around Digital Employee Experience. In this article from a couple of years ago, James Robertson defined it as follows:

Digital employee experience (#DEX) is the sum total of the digital interactions within the work environment.

James Robertson was also one of the keynote speakers this year. If you haven’t had the pleasure to see him on stage, you can get a glimpse of his session through his slides where he provides some key elements of his Digital Employee Experienece Survey (DEX) he just published. As a sponsor, we aim to give you a good overview of the most important take aways from the conference and invited Luis Suarez to share his top 3 takeaways. If you want to know more you can read the full version on his blog.

Top 3 Highlights from Luis Suarez

Listen to people…

… should be common sense but sometimes technology is less about people and more about possibilities. This needs to change again.

Learn about people’s needs & wants by actively engaging with them to keep delighting them with a superb digital employee experience. People-centric computing FTW!!!

The Need of Stories…

… stories & more stories!

Oooh, I’m not talking about how we need to build stories (i.e. storytelling) around the work we do, which we, definitely, do!, specially, when working with data analytics, but more about listening to all of the passionate speakers sharing *their* personal story around #DEX. Don’t show me features nor capabilities. Share your story making us all as excited and as passionate as you are with your brilliant piece of work done so far! Allow us to learn more and be part of your journey … Still the most powerful opportunity to influence / effect change.

While Luis has a lot of superb examples of stories told on stage, his favourite was from Heather Force (Tomson Reuters), who was on point with her definition of the overall Digital Employee Experience.

Employees are the heart of DEX: Four ways to bring that to life w/@heather_ia on now at #IntraTeam20, The European DEX Conference

— IntraTeam (@IntraTeam) March 4, 2020

The Future of Work is networked and feminine…

… as my good old friend, Harold would say (see here). Yes, indeed, the ladies (whether speaking or just attending) have been phenomenal and incredibly generous in sharing with us all the fantastic work they are doing around #DEX within their organisations.

Luis Suarez’ Session Slides

Augmenting the digital employee experience through data analytics

When thinking about your Digital Employee Experience (DEX) initiatives one of the key components that’s always being either neglected or ignored over the course of the last decade has been data analytics.

Inside each and every organization, day in day out, we produce more data than ever through our various (social) collaborative environments, yet we refuse to collect it, make sense of it, and, eventually, apply it to make better business decisions as a result. While everyone has been championing different change programs to help influence user behavior and transform how we work over the course of time we haven’t made enough due progress with those newly gained business insights through data analytics. It’s time to level up!

In this session Luis Suarez demonstrated, in a practical manner with a number of different examples and methods, how critical and influential (social) analytics can well be in helping businesses embrace that gold mine they have been ignoring all along to improve their own digital employee experience: their own data they produce in their digital workplace environment.

Key takeaways:

  • Raise awareness on the purpose of data analytics to influence user behaviour within your digital employee experience initiative
  • Explore some of the most powerful use cases and capabilities data analytics has got to offer
  • Have a better understanding of what data analytics could do within all of your collaborative environments (i.e. email, file sharing, ESNs, etc.)
  • Help evaluate how healthy and mature your digital employee experience may well be
  • Understand ahead of the game different challenges and turn them into business opportunities
  • Learn practical hints & tips, good business practices, in-depth know-how etc. on how to get you started with your own data analytics efforts within your org. Or amplify what you already have!

Many more insights and interesting tidbits were shared during the many sessions and you can find more information about it on the IntraTeam blog.

Finally, a big thank you to everyone who contributed to, shared or simply liked one of  the related tweets, products or developments at our booth and during the many networking opportunities. We appreciate your feedback to which ways the future should be shaped and together with you, we are able to encourage others to head towards an even better Digital Employee Experience and keep on moving forward with technologies to support this goal.