Understanding your application landscape and drawing meaningful conclusions from your data can be daunting, with tedious information gathering and expensive mistakes. Today’s business intelligence requirements demand a reduction in total cost of ownership while providing an increased return on investment and constant adaptation to new technology.
Harvard Business Review reports that many companies are “nowhere close” to understanding the value of their own data. “An effective transformation strategy starts with clearly articulating how data and analytics will be used to generate value and how the results will be measured”.
Without accurate IBM Domino application usage and design complexity data, “one size fits all” decisions around application transformation become too expensive and frequently end up failing.
We’re proud to announce that as of today, panagenda ApplicationInsights is released and available to help! And for IBM Software Subscription and Support customers, a version of ApplicationInsights is available for free!
AI analyzes your Domino application landscape, visualizing the results in relevant graphs which are easily understandable to management, developers and administrators alike.
Optimization to reduce and narrow scope!
To support reduction of IT costs, ApplicationInsights identifies applications that are unused and obsolete and can be archived. AI also shows how applications are used (reads vs writes) and by which entity, allowing you to reduce server load, network bandwith and storage costs.
Which Applications are worth investing in?
Modernization for extended functionality!
ApplicationInsights usage and design overviews allow you to segment your applications into different categories of apps that:
- Are worth the investment or payback to revamp
- Can be deferred until later in your migration process
- Have design similarity, which means that modernizing one such application will also modernize the other 72 applications which have a 95% or more code similarity. Hurray efficiency and cost savings!
- Will require mitigation due to code dependencies on LotusScripts, encryption, OS etc
Which Applications are used by Notes rich clients vs Browsers?
Migration for moving forward!
Attempting to migrate all contents or moving all applications to the cloud can be daunting and expensive. With AI’s usage, code complexity and similarity capabilities, educated and actionable decisions about ideal migration of applications are finally possible!
ApplicationInsights shows, which applications:
- are well suited for cloud or content migration – have few contributors but lots of readers
- are costly to migrate due to complex code, encryption or design dependencies
- use functionality supported only in the rich Notes client
What code complexity and dependencies exist?
Transformation for future-thinking adaptation
Your Domino landscape is primed to facilitate adoption of social and messaging platforms such as IBM Connections, IBM Verse or cognitive technologies such as Watson Workspace or Bluemix Services. ApplicationInsights enables you to determine:
- existing or ideal integration points you may have such as number of application instances and/or similar design
- the various types of applications in your environment
- where and how to integrate based on current client access methods
Whoever said “may you live in interesting times” was surely talking about the incredibly fast-changing world of technology! With ApplicationInsights you finally have the ability to turn your “interesting” Domino landscape data into actionable metrics, to help build a strategic path forward which provides value to your business while reducing cost and minimizing transformation efforts!