OfficeExpert is the newest addition to the panagenda offerings. Its first module (Module Monitoring) performs quality of service (QoS) measurements for Office365 as well as On Premises Exchange / Skype for Business. One of the most important goals was to perform QoS measurements based on those clients / web APIs that end users are actively using. This is the only way to get an accurate picture of the quality of service from an end user perspective (no PowerShell scripts!).
It was also important to us that our QoS simulations perform more than just stand-alone checks. That’s why our bot simulations have the ability to perform so-called Smart Measurements. An example of a Smart Measurement is measuring the performance of Skype for Business conferences regularly and from different locations with 1-n participant bots.
The following image illustrates this:
The measured data is then processed in TimeSeries form or can subsequently be used for alerting/notifications.
The Monitoring Module is the first iteration of OfficeExpert and marks the launch of a complete module series. Other modules such as Office365 Analytics are planned in order to deliver data across all IT areas.
Find out more about OfficeExpert by watching Product Manager, Stefan Fried’s webinar “Sneak Preview of panagenda’s OfficeExpert for MS Office365“.