All You Need to Know About HCL Notes 64-Bit Clients
Take a look at our webinar slides on Slideshare or download them directly in PDF format.
Let’s face it, it took a while but now chances are that with the release of HCL Domino 12.0.2 there will finally be an HCL Notes 64-bit client! Time to get excited! Or maybe not? At first glance, you might think it’s a simple upgrade and you’re done. But when was life ever that simple?
Upgrading to an HCL Notes 64-bit client comes with quite a few things you want to consider. Such as changes in install location, problems with certain coding constructs in Domino applications, and third-party add-ins are just a few bumps on your road. And as with any new software, there are also considerations about performance, stability and security. You want to be prepared, of course.
In our webinar, about how to run HCL Nomad Configurations on any device we showed you that MarvelClient Roaming can help you solve many challenges. It enables you to automatically back up, restore, and share configurations (desktop, recent apps, settings, and more) among devices using Nomad.
Of course, we went a little further. So in our webinar and live demo about how to bring HCL Nomad and Domino together without SafeLinx, we showed you the skills needed to operate Nomad Web with Domino directly. By checking out the recordings, you can learn how to install and configure the Nomad Web Server, how it works from a user’s point of view, and in which scenarios you might want to keep using SafeLinx.
Join our webinar on January 31, and you will leave with a good understanding of any issues and considerations around the new HCL Notes 64-bit client which allows you to plan your way forward with confidence.
What you will learn
- How to install HCL Notes 64-bit clients from scratch
- How to upgrade old 32-bit clients
- Daily challenges when operating 64-bit clients
- A look at performance and stability
- Domino application design issues
- Third-party add-in dependencies