How to Bring HCL Nomad Web and Domino Together Without SafeLinx
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HCL Nomad Web is the way forward. It allows users to decide for themselves when and where they want to use the application. Naturally promoting business flexibility and increasing overall employee productivity. Besides, the way forward gets a lot easier if you can bring HCL Nomad Web and Domino together without SafeLinx.
So, you want to start with Nomad Web, the new and shiny client in the browser. But there are so many hurdles in the way. Luckily, with Domino 12.0.2, a big one is gone. The new Nomad Web Server on Domino makes it possible to have Nomad Web talk directly to Domino. You do not have to use SafeLinx unless you really want to!
Join Christoph Adler, HCL Ambassador & panagenda Senior Consultant, on December 13 for this webinar featuring live demos and hands-on examples. Gain the skills you need to run Nomad Web directly with Domino and to use HCL Nomad and Domino without SafeLinx. You will leave with a simple recipe that makes it easy to get going in your environment.
In our webinar, about how to run HCL Nomad Configurations on any device, we showed you that MarvelClient Roaming can help you solve many challenges. It enables you to automatically back up, restore, and share configurations (desktop, recent apps, settings, and more) among devices using Nomad. It uploads configurations to your Domino servers whenever they are changed, and then transparently updates any current and new devices used by the same person, with a tiny network and processing footprint. This time we go a little further.
What you will learn
- How to use HCL Nomad Web and Domino together without SafeLinx
- How to install and configure the Nomad Web Server
- How the Nomad Web Server works from a user’s point of view
- Which scenarios you might want to keep using SafeLinx